Modern World History

美 [ˈmɑːdərn wɜːrld ˈhɪstri]英 [ˈmɒdn wɜːld ˈhɪstri]
  • 网络世界近代史;世界现代史;现代世界史;世界近现代史
Modern World HistoryModern World History
  1. A Study on the Starting Time of Modern World History


  2. Existing Problems and Their Solutions in the Teaching of Modern World History


  3. Studies On Some Aspects Of Modern World History


  4. It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history .


  5. Reflections of the view of Global History and Reconstruction of the Theoretical System of Modern World History


  6. On the Modern World History 's Division into Two Stages by 1760s


  7. The modern world history should be divided into two stages by1760s .


  8. By 1760s the two stages of the Modern World History had taken on different characteristics .


  9. Modern world history was the history that mankind entered industrial society and that industrial society developed with mankind .


  10. The " Spanish " flu pandemic was the single worst disease episode in modern world history .


  11. The period of modern world history in which the Chinese and Chinese culture were looked down upon should have ended from that moment .


  12. We must carry on reforms both on modern world history researches and teaching in order to meet the new situation of reform and open policy .


  13. The development of modern world history with modernization as the mainstream is divided into five stages and consist the complete process of world modernization .


  14. The rise of the West to this position of dominance all round the globe is , indeed , the main theme of modern world history .


  15. Modern world history started from the sea expansion . The colonial expansion and the competition among the countries were important factors to make the Western European countries strong .


  16. In the past , studies on modern world history generally suggested that Western European forms of development were of universal significance and were based primarily based on the British model .


  17. The Czar Catherine ⅱ occupies an important position in Russian history , however , it is controversial to identify her with the Modern World history .


  18. Usually world historians only focus their attention on the unity since the modern world history and ignore the study of the pre-modern , especially , ancient world history as a whole .


  19. They have many similar viewpoints on the issues such as agricultural and nomadic world in the ancient and mediaeval world history , the industrial world and the rise of western world in modern world history .


  20. Ever since the 1990s , the dialog between Islam and Confucianism in the Eastern Asian and Pacific Area , transcending the Occidental-Centrism in modern world history and since , is the more worth our concern , for this culturally-conscious dialog between the two ancient civilizations is of far-reaching significance .


  21. Review of the modern world economic history , the global economy has presented two trends .


  22. In the modern and contemporary world history , Germany and Japan have lots of similarities : they were both in the evil Axis in the Second World War .


  23. China is a later modern developing country in world history .


  24. Modern Capitalist World : Rise and Development & Study on the Reform of Modern World History Teaching
